Instrumental music

Instrumental music course

In order to fully obtain the cognitive benefits of music, kids can’t just sit there and listen to music; they have to be actively engaged in the music and participate in the class. “Even in a group of highly motivated students, small variations in music engagement, attendance, and class participation predicted the strength of neural processing after music training”.

Since there are evidence and support that simply listening to music isn’t as effective, here are 11 more reasons why children should learn to play instruments instead of just listening to them.

  • Increases Memory Skills
  • Teaches Perseverance and Creates a Sense of Achievement
  • Improves Coordination
  • Learning to play an instrument can help kids grow socially and academically.
  • Improves Math Skills
  • Improves Reading and Comprehension Skills
  • Creates Responsibility
  • Exposes the Student to Culture and History
  • Nurtures Self-Expressions
  • Improves Listening Skills
  • Improves Social Skills
Instrumental music
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